
Fun Fridays

Finally it's Friday and last day of February which means the hubby comes home late tonight. I sure hope I can stay up to pick him up from the airport. I've missed him this week. It's been awhile since we've spent time apart and I can say it's a good thing but I do miss him.

and finally San Diego is getting some much needed rain which means break out those hunter boots that have been hiding all season long. 

Monday was full of work. I am starting to hate work more and more as each Monday passes. I can't wait to go back to just Tuesday & Thursdays since I am so busy at home with work too.  

The good news was I got to move back into my room. I hulked my bed back in by myself because I was sick of sleeping on the living room floor but the rest of the room I am waiting for the hubby to do. 

When they are all done you must wash the floor repeatedly to get all the dirt & crap they left behind.

Tuesday was my mama's birthday. Old lady she is. 

Also it was the day Cali officially became mine. We waited the 22 days and no one claimed her so I did what any good fur mama would do. I took her to get her shots, chip & a new collar. 

Wednesday Eli was sick. I worked as usual. It was nothing exciting. 
Thursday was a repeat of Wednesday but I did manage to look up a flight to move my baby sister out. I can't believe it's getting so close. 

I am planning on being back in full force to bloggyland come Monday. I am focusing on myself for March and no spending. 

Can't forget the important part of this week. My favorite liz is hosting a giveaway that I really want to win. Head on over to her blog to check it out and enter. 

Off to enjoy this rain and work. 
Counting down until hubby is home. 

Happy Friday! 


  1. Congrats on having Cali join your family :) That's awesome! Whenever my hubby leaves town it's always almost fun for the first day or two. I enjoy lounging around and watching chick flicks for the first few nights and then I start to miss him like crazy. It's crazy how much he contributes to my daily happiness, just talking after work or eating dinner together. Those are the things I start to miss the most.

  2. So glad you guys are finally getting some much needed rain. The floors look gorgeous!! So glad you gave Cali a home. Enjoy your weekend! Go get your man!!

  3. Welcome miss Cali!! This weekend will be great for yall! Enjoy!
