
Some Simple Letters

Dear Cynthia, I can't believe in a week you will be in my house again. Let the madness begin. Here is to finding your future and finding happiness. Dear Alex, as much as I wanted to punch you last night because you wouldn't move and your dog wouldn't shut up, i love you. The gym with you is fun. secretly I guess I look forward to it sometimes. Dear Workout, we have past week 2 and Sunday starts week 3. I can't believe I am actually sticking to this and praying I start to see some changes soon. Dear Sleep, I really wish we met last night. This whole thing of not going to sleep until 4am really makes for a grumpy person in the morning. Please lets meet today early. Dear Cali, I am so happy to see you finally doing better. The first few days home were a bit rough but I am glad to see you perking up a bit and finally eating. I promise you it's for the best for all of us. Dear blog, I am loving being back full time now. Thank you to all the readers and the sweet comments. Dear weekend, you are full of teeball stuff. I can't say I am excited about it because it seems to go way to fast but I know that means I am that much closer to seeing Cy next weekend. 

Happy Friday Ya'll


  1. Glad Cali is doing better. Look at you go with your workouts!! The 2nd month you will see the results, build those muscles!!
