Friday: I worked at the preschool than came home to relax. It was my uncle's birthday and as usual I bloggy failed and forgot to take pictures (mark my word I will get better at it) We went out to dinner to a yummy mexican food place & than we got the wild idea to go bowling. It was so fun & we all decided we should do it again soon. I found this quote on the insta and I need to remember it myself. Weightloss isn't an overnight thing. It is a full journey.
We also managed to get some baby chickens for our chicken coup that were 2 days old. So currently they are living under a head lamp. We will have 2 brown eggs & 2 white eggs each day once they start to lay eggs.
Saturday: I finally got some good sleep. I worked most of the day getting charges done and ready to take off this next week. Eli had teeball as usual on weekends. We finally got those wonderful pictures of the front tooth missing.
Than it was relaxing and enjoying the quiet night in.
Sunday: We did some errands as usual in the morning. Got the laundry done. Than it was time for packing as I am leaving on a jet plane right after work tomorrow.
Comfy clothes all the way. Also because I just love my baby girl and she is going into boarding today. Isn't she so beautiful?
Weekend was wonderful. I am ready for the new week and ready to get things going. I am super excited to have my sister living with me for the first time in my life. Than it is game on for this weight loss journey as we have big trips planned that involves swimsuits not to mention all the clothes in my closet I want to wear.
How was your weekend?
Those chicks are too cute! Hope you have a safe trip bringing your sister back!