
Just Another Weekend

Call me the most epic failure.. I always forget to take pictures while we're having a good time. 

My weekend went by super fast and I feel like it was longer than normal due to our fires.

Friday: I spent the day working from home. I am trying to focus on my goals and get things done! So far everything is going. That night my dad decided to have his BBQ for his birthday. Let's just say we partied hard for him.
Saturday: We all slept. Met with my nutritionist who is amazing. I can't wait to see where this journey takes me.  Than we went to my aunts house for some dinner. 

Sunday: The day of rest. We cleaned the house. Made our weekly trip to costco, added in trader joes and now getting ready for the week. Also, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DADDY!!! 

That's all folks, as you can see nothing too exciting happened. Ready for another week. 

Happy Monday!! Back to the gym for another day of HIIT... 7 more days to go than I can get some new shoes! 


  1. Happy Monday, Jessica!

    Glad you had a fun weekend - I felt like the weekend went by pretty dang quick too! And now I go into the dreadful finals week! BLAH! LOL

    Also, I haven't had the time to hit up my gym...which is a major bummer. I am a morning work out person and lately all i have time for is nights but by that time I am so tired from working all day or being at school. BUT, I have been watching what I've been eating. I told my speedracer that I bought a new planner and stuff for morning smoothies because I wanted to get focused. So now, I am in full focus mode with some awesome motivation, I jumped on the scale this morning just to see what I would be..and i've lost 5lbs. which is pretty sweet for me seeing as I was barely trying! haha.

    Go get yourself new shoes girl!! :)

    -Ashlee Michelle

  2. Sounds like you had a great weekend, girl!! :) That photo of you and your dad dancing is so precious!! I have tooootally been ignoring the gym and all things fitness. This week I'm finally going to kick my butt into gear! It's bikini season and I've got zero time for excuses haha.

  3. Glad you had a good meeting with the nutritionist. Happy Birthday to your Dad!

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