
It's not a goodbye

It is Tuesday...
You know what that means... a pointless post!! 
well its really not too pointless but between being a sub pre-school teacher the last two weeks & closing out the month on my end for work, my life has been anything but normal. I have been running around crazy... All I want to do is SLEEP!! Is that too much for a woman to ask?

Back to my weekend,it was pretty boring for the most part besides Saturday night. It was my brother's from another mother's "see ya later" party!! He leaves for boot camp in 19 short days!!! I could not be more proud of him & the decisions he has made. I am not saying this because I am a navy wife but because I truly think he will FINALLY be going forward in his life & getting out of our small town. He truly needs this. All of our prayers are beginning to be answered. I know I WILL see him again a lot sooner than later. 
I will let the pictures do the talking. 

Driving to the party. 

his bitches

His partner in crime

His family dancing! 

Love her! 

Clayton, If someone wanted me to write you a letter of encouragement I am not sure what I would say, but one thing for sure is, I could NOT be more proud of you & the decisions you have made in your life in the past 6 months or so. You truly have transformed into such an amazing man and I know you will do amazing things with your life. I love you as my older brother and nothing will change that. I can't wait to see where this new chapter of your life will take you but I do know it is somewhere amazing & I will be along for the journey. Remember to always stay safe, remember where you came from & drink one for me!!!  Home will always be here for you. Enjoy this new chapter. I love you Big Bro & Remember Bitches LOVE when their Nigga is happy in life!!! 

Newlywed Moments