
Friday Letters


Dear New Car, I sure hope you are in my driveway soon. I would love it even though that means dual car payments for us & A LOT less shopping and doing fun things but we can do it. Dear Alex, Thank you for being so supportive through this car thing and for loving me. I know I complain a lot and things have been a struggle lately but I love you. Dear Cynthia, I can't wait for you to come visit. 31 days until we are living the broke life together. Dear Christmas, I know we won't be getting a whole bunch of presents this early even more so if said new car appears in driveway but that doesn't mean I can't spend it with family & friends. Dear bills, please pay yourself it would be awesome. Dear School, we have 24 more days together & we will officially be divorced. I am happy to say that I am not sad about this. Dear Weight loss journey, I am so excited to be on this journey and hopefully continue to see the loss on the scale. I am ready to get down to it. I know with all the stress lately it has been a struggle but we can do this! Dear Home, I promise you will be cleaned very clean soon. Dear weekend, I am so excited for you. I hope our weather stays like this. I am enjoying the rain and cold. Dear new friends, Thank you coming by. Please say hello and I promise to write back. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. 

Happy Friday!

1 comment

  1. Yeah, car payments just plain suck! Lol. My husband is the dreamer, and keeps finding more expensive cars to talk about. He'd spend more than our mortgage if he could!
