
June to July...

When did it become July, let alone middle of July? It is so crazy to me how fast time is going and how fast things are changing around us.

June goals:

workout: We did great going to barre classes twice a week. I still did cardio but some weeks it wasn't 5 days a week but that is okay. 

Food Tracking: I failed at this so bad. New month which means I can start over right?

Morning pages: FAIL! I really need to get on this. I know it will make a big difference in me. 

Date night: We did mange to do some dates. Granted we turned them into like running errands but hey a date is a date right?

Read: What is that?

Rest of July goals

Workout: Continue working out. I recently took up boot camp classes too. I also want to get back to running at least 3x a week. I am trying to stay away from HIIT to lean myself out not to build bulk. 

Food planning: I am going to switch up my food tracking with food planning. I think if I plan my food out for the entire week than I might have a better chance of food tracking and eating cleaner.  

Date night: I really need these in my life. I miss our sunday fundays. I would even take watching a movie. 

Read and write: I need to do both these next two weeks to see how much of an impact they will have on my life. I am currently reading a new workout book that will hopefully help with my journey. 

So at the end of the day, July goals are the same as my June goals. I just want them all to be green and to lose some weight. 


  1. I am such a food planner! I really think it is great. It not only helps with seeing what you are consuming throughout the day but it helps with the grocery bill and an easier shopping experince!

  2. That first quote you posted is something I've been having to tell myself continuously! I find myself getting caught up in these crazy time tables that I make up and decide I'm behind in!
