
I love Pinterest!

Today I was going to write all about how I want to remember this moment in 4 years...2016... I want to remember gas prices (this morning I paid $4.89 for a gallon of gas) ..I want to remember that the unemployment is the HIGHEST it's ever been {we all know at least one person on unemployment}.. I want to know that he said he wanted to create more jobs yet in San Diego alone he wants to cut 30,000 military jobs. How is that creating jobs? & how is that protecting our country? I want to know that I want to expand my family but to the sad reality I refuse to have children when I can not grantee either my husband or me to have a job to provide for them. With that said, I am very disappointed in America!! The land of the free, hopes & dreams, where mine were just shattered in my eyes. It is sad that EVERYONE wants to come to America yet so many of us in America want to leave. 

Thank you for listening to my rant.. just remember we do have freedom of speech {well for now we have that right}. & this is my corner of the web. I want to be able to look back in 4 years & remember these things. I am wondering is there anyone out there who was blogging 4 years ago who wrote something like this? I would love to read it to see how much has changed.

Back to the point of the post today!! 

Today I am linking up with Kay over at Wandering Free for Pintersting love & Michelle over at The Vintage Apple for Oh, How Pinteresting 

Follow me on Pinterest here


I Love these boots! 

Where do I find this? I am in love. 

such an awesome idea

want to make this! 

This was just too good not to share

I know it was kind of all over the place today.. but hopefully next week will get back to a theme for pinterest !!

Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday