
Friday Letters {V.6}

Thankfully it is Friday.. I am so ready for the weekend even though it is a busy one at that! 
I shall sleep when I am dead... 

Dear Alex
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have an amazing day & even better year full of love & laughter! I pray for another year of being healthy & happy. I LOVE YOU. 

Dear Southern California,
Please be safe. I am praying for all the families involved in this man hunt & this man receives the help he needs. He is obviously very sick and and his mind is not in the right spot. If you are interested in what is going on in Southern California read about it here, please send up an extra prayer for everyone involved. 

Dear Preschool,
The more I begin to think that I can't wait to move to 3 days a week from 5 days, I know secretly I will miss all my kids. It truly is amazing to know you are making an impact on a child's future every day. This child may not remember you at this age but it is making an impact in their life. 

Dear Weekend,
I am so excited to witness one of my good friends marry her best friend & begin her life as a Mrs & her fairy tale! & not to forget I am so ready for this massage that is going to take place for Alex's Birthday! 

Dear God,
Thank you for blessing me each & every day with everything in my life. I honestly have the best friends in the world, the most amazing family and the BEST readers in blog land! Thank you! 

Dear Readers,
Enjoy your weekend. Shut your computer down for the entire thing. Spend time with your family & friends. Ignore your cell phone for a bit. Do what you want to do! Do something different that you didn't think you would do! Most of all, BE YOU! 

Have a fabulous weekend



  1. Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Happy Birthday to your Husband.. My husband's birthday is Monday and we are celebrating all weekend. TGIF!

  3. What a cute post! I'm glad I found your blog through the giveaway. I'd love to connect!

    The Dwelling Tree
